
Reply: regarding the PMP break time , still a bit confused

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2 months 1 week ago #31252

Harry Elston

Harry Elston's Avatar


You were penalized because due to the mercurial application of the exam rules by PearsonVue online proctors. Plain and simple. To avoid this in the future, take the exam in a proctored location.

2 months 1 week ago #31251


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I had a very experience with Pearson when I took my PMP exam on March 18, 2024. I had completed first set of 60 questions, and then I was prompted to take 10 mins break. And so, I clicked “Begin Break” and exited my seat. Getting back to my seat after just using 8 mins of 10 mins, the proctor sent a chat asking me why I stood up from my seat; I told him I went on break that was why I exited my seat… Nezt thing he kicked me out of the exam saying I have violated the rules.

This is so so wrong and frustrating to me because, I was treated unjustly by the proctor. Firstly, the system was supposed to alert the proctor that it is time for break after I clicked on “Begin Break” so why am I the one suffering for it?

Still on the issue, because I am not about to pay another $595 for the exam…

Very ridiculous!!
2 years 2 months ago #29231


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Hi there,
During your PMP Exam, you are allowed two 10 minutes breaks. I encourage you to take your break(s). During your break, you can get up, stretch, go to the bathroom, and even eat some light snack food. Just make sure that you are back, seated, and ready to resume your exam before your break timer is up.

All the best,

2 years 2 months ago #29230

Andrew Cushnaghan

Andrew Cushnaghan's Avatar

Hello Cornelius,
I took the PMP exam this morning - and I can confirm that you can leave your computer for each of the two breaks. The clock for the exam time stops when you take your break and there is a separate 10-minute timer for the break (during which time you can do what you like :-)). Also, you can use the full exam time how you like - I had a lot more time to do the last 60 questions, as I didn't use the proportionate time during the first two 60-question periods.
One note of caution - the exam monitor did not like me looking out the window for an extended period of time during the exam - he warned me to keep my eyes on the screen :-(.
Also, I found the registration took longer than I expected - I would follow the Pearson OnVue advice of starting the exam check-in 30 minutes before the scheduled start. My laptop took nearly 5 minutes to display the exam screen after running the system checks, which was a little unnerving (I reported this to Pearson in the feedback).

Finally - Good luck to everyone taking the exam :-). (I found it easier than the PrepCast simulator - just don't panic during the first few questions - it takes time to settle - and there is plenty of time in the exam to complete all the questions).

Best Regards,
2 years 2 months ago #29229

Cornelius Fichtner

Cornelius Fichtner's Avatar

I strongly disagree with @Kapil Agarwal saying that "during your break, you are not allowed to move from your seat". Being able to get up, stretch, and go to the bathroom is the whole point of the break!

Everyone else I have spoken to has told me that they were allowed to leave the room during the break.

Can someone who has recently taken the exam from home please confirm?
2 years 2 months ago #29228

Kapil Agarwal

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Quick TIp: If you are taking the exam virtually (from your home), then during your break, you are not allowed to move from your seat. There is always someone on the other side looking at you. I thought in those 10 mins you can stretch and move around, but that's not allowed. I immediately got a call from the invigilator asking me to not repeat the same again otherwise the exam will be cancelled. But do take those 10 mins break, it helps. Meanwhile, I scored above the target for all three sections in my first attempt.

Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
